Links and Tax Credits
Manufacturer Support Links and Tax Credits
Energy Star lists Tax Credits
Energy Star Tax Credits
Geo-Thermal systems
GEO Comfort
Geo-thermal heat functions much like a heat pump, but uses the ambient temperature of the ground as the heating/cooling source. Qualifies for energy tax credits.
Kohler Generators
Kohler Power Residential
Solar heat systems
Solar hot water heating and cooling systems. Qualifies for energy tax credits.
Take an energy audit
Energy Star
Water saving devices: Rinnai
Tankless heaters only use energy when there is a demand for hot water, thereby reducing standby heat loss to a minimum.
Water saving devices: Takagi
Tankless heaters only use energy when there is a demand for hot water, thereby reducing standby heat loss to a minimum.
Zone damper systems: EWC Controls
EWC Controls
Provide heating and cooling to only those areas of the home that are in use, thereby resulting in less energy use.
Other State and Federal Rebates
Northern Virginia
DMME Virginia
Washington Gas Living Rebate Program
Allegheny Power Performance
BGE Smart Energy
Home Energy Savings
Home Performance Audit